
Game Development Services

Research System Setup (Observer Pattern)

Programming Pattern: Observer Pattern

UI Setup

The ResearchBaseObjectUIData class is a data container that holds UI-related references. (like TextMeshPro Component, or the Icon Image Component)

using UnityEngine;

public class ResearchBaseObjectUI : MonoBehaviour

    public ResearchBaseObjectUIData UIData;

    public void Assign(ResearchBaseSO so)
        if (!UIData.IsEmpty())
            UIData.IconImage.sprite = so.Icon;
            UIData.Title.text = so.Name;
            UIData.Description.text = so.Description;
            UIData.Stars.text = "";

        so.OnResearchCompleted += Complete;

    private void Complete()
        UIData.Stars.text += "+";

Let’s generate research objects.

At the moment there are only UI assigments. ResearchBaseSO contains research data.

Our Research Controller contains a list of ResearchBaseSO.

Lets spawn an object out of that list. Then store it somewhere. To access the spawned object, store it inside the ResearchController.

ResearchController contains a reference to the Base UI Prefab to instantiate and to assign scriptable objects to each instance:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ResearchController : MonoBehaviour
    public List<ResearchBaseSO> researchList;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject researchPrefab;

    private void Start()
        foreach (ResearchBaseSO research in researchList)


Also a list to store spawned objects is required, and a container to display ui objects properly:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ResearchController : MonoBehaviour
    public List<ResearchBaseSO> researchList;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject researchPrefab;
    [SerializeField] private Transform container;

    private List<ResearchBaseObjectUI> storedResearchObjects = new List<ResearchBaseObjectUI>();

    private void Start()
        foreach (ResearchBaseSO research in researchList)
            ResearchBaseObjectUI instance = Instantiate(researchPrefab, container).GetComponent<ResearchBaseObjectUI>();


voilá – first research item:

Nice. Let’s clean the code. „#region #endregion“ is a nice way to wrap code.