
Game Development Services

Research System Setup (Observer Pattern)

Research System Setup (Observer Pattern) Programming Pattern: Observer Pattern UI Setup The ResearchBaseObjectUIData class is a data container that holds UI-related references. (like TextMeshPro Component, or the Icon Image Component) Let’s generate research objects. At the moment there are only UI assigments. ResearchBaseSO contains research data. Our Research Controller contains a list of ResearchBaseSO. Lets

Façade Pattern in Unity (C# Design Pattern)

In Unity, it’s important to keep the Interface clean. Especially when we create larger projects. Thats why the Façade pattern is so useful. It hides the complexities of larger system. For more Game Programming Patterns I can recommend: https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html #unity #design-pattern #programming #c-sharp #object-oriented-programming What is the Façade Pattern? The Façade Pattern is a structural